Declutter for Better Cleaning

A Clean Workspace Begins with the Little Things

Your everyday staff holds the keys to the overall cleanliness (and success) of your office or business.

Whether you make use of an outside commercial cleaning service or use a DIY approach,  it’s essential for ALL employees to do the “little things” on a daily basis. It starts with simply being organized, having a place for everything, eliminating things that don’t serve a purpose. It should also include making sure things like coffee cups and food wrappers are not allowed to linger (even better if food and beverages are consumed in a designated area like a break room). It may take a bit of nagging but it’s worth it. And once your staff gets used to a space that is clean and functional it will become the new normal - no clutter, no dust between the old coffee cups, no unusual odors wafting through the room.

As we said, this is important because it is where clean begins. When cleaning personnel do not have to worry about just getting to a surface before cleaning it they are more effective and achieve better results.

Ok, office decluttered, everything is clean and smells better. Now we get to the why’s:

  • Work goes better when distractions are eliminated
  • Employees recognize when management is improving things on their behalf; positive effort has a positive effect
  • Clean environments help reduce exposure to germs that make people ill. This means a healthier, happier staff. It also means downtime due to illness is reduced.
  • Clients and customers get an enhanced first impression. A bright, clean, organized office staffed with healthy happy people is confidence inspiring in your business as a whole.
  • An investment in cleaning and maintenance pays off in the long run. Carpeting, furniture, equipment all last longer and perform better when well maintained.

So, give it a try. Start your staff looking after the little things.

If you are thinking about having a commercial cleaning service take over in your business, please call the cleaning experts at NLC Solutions. We will be glad to do a free assessment or your needs, including any special requirements, your schedule, and your budget.
Call 908-753-3900.


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